ढाँचा:Significant figures/doc
This template has two different functions dependent on input.
- If only one parameter is given the template counts the number of significant figures of the given number within the ranges 1012 to 10-12 and -10-12 to -1012. It ignores any digits outside of this range.
- If two parameters are given the template rounds the first number to the number of significant figures given by the second.
सम्पादनTwo parameters
सम्पादन{{significant figures|123.456|7}}
gives १२३.४५६0 [१]{{significant figures|123.456|6}}
gives १२३.४५६ [२]{{significant figures|123.456|5}}
gives १२३.४६ [३]{{significant figures|123.456|4}}
gives १२३.५ [४]
{{significant figures|123,456|3}}
gives १२३,००० [५]{{significant figures|12345.6|3}}
gives १२,३०० [६]{{significant figures|1234.56|3}}
gives १,२३० [७]{{significant figures|12.3456|3}}
gives १२.३ [८]{{significant figures|1.23456|3}}
gives १.२३ [९]
{{significant figures|.123456|3}}
gives ०.१२३ [१०]{{significant figures|.0123456|3}}
gives ०.०१२३ [११]{{significant figures|.00123456|3}}
gives ०.००१२३ [१२]{{significant figures|0.123456|3}}
gives ०.१२३ [१३]{{significant figures|0.0123456|3}}
gives ०.०१२३ [१४]{{significant figures|0.00123456|3}}
gives ०.००१२३ [१५]
{{significant figures|123.456|2}}
gives १२० [१६]{{significant figures|123.456|1}}
gives १०० [१७]{{significant figures|123.456|0}}
gives ० [१८]
{{significant figures|987654321|9}}
gives ९८७,६५४,३२१ [१९]{{significant figures|987654321|8}}
gives ९८७,६५४,३२० [२०]{{significant figures|987654321|7}}
gives ९८७,६५४,३०० [२१]{{significant figures|987654321|6}}
gives ९८७,६५४,००० [२२]{{significant figures|987654321|5}}
gives ९८७,६५०,००० [२३]{{significant figures|987654321|4}}
gives ९८७,७००,००० [२४]{{significant figures|987654321|3}}
gives ९८८,०००,००० [२५]{{significant figures|987654321|2}}
gives ९९०,०००,००० [२६]{{significant figures|987654321|1}}
gives १,०००,०००,००० [२७]
One parameter
सम्पादन{{significant figures|123400}}
→ 4 [२८]{{significant figures|12340}}
→ 4 [२९]{{significant figures|1234}}
→ 4 [३०]{{significant figures|123.4}}
→ 4 [३१]{{significant figures|12.34}}
→ 4 [३२]{{significant figures|1.234}}
→ 4 [३३]
{{significant figures|0.1234}}
→ 4 [३४]{{significant figures|0.01234}}
→ 4 [३५]{{significant figures|0.001234}}
→ 4 [३६]{{significant figures|.1234}}
→ 4 [३७]{{significant figures|.01234}}
→ 4 [३८]{{significant figures|.001234}}
→ 4 [३९]
{{significant figures|-123.4}}
→ 4 [४०]{{significant figures|-12.34}}
→ 4 [४१]{{significant figures|-1.234}}
→ 4 [४२]