"मिडियाविकि:Gadget-twinkleconfig.js" को बिचमी भिन्नता

Content deleted Content added
ना ne:मीडियाविकि:Gadget-twinkleconfig.js देखि १६ पुनरावलोकनहरू आयात भयो
ना updating as per enwiki
पंक्ति ९:
*** twinkleconfig.js: Preferences module
* Mode of invocation: Adds configuration form to Wikipedia:Twinkle/Preferences and user
subpages named "/Twinkle preferences", and adds ad box to the top of user
subpages belonging to the currently logged-in user which end in '.js'
* Active on: What I just said. Yeah.
पंक्ति १९:
point you in the right direction.) -- TTO
Line २५ ⟶ २४:
Twinkle.config.commonEnums = {
watchlist: { yes: "अवलोकनसूचीमाAdd जोड्नुस्to watchlist", no: "अवलोकनसूचीमाDon't add नजोड्नुस्to watchlist", "default": "तपाईकोFollow अभिरूचीyour अनुसारsite जानेpreferences" },
talkPageMode: { window: "In a window, replacing other user talks", tab: "In a new tab", blank: "In a totally new window" }
talkPageMode: { window: "एउटा नयाँ विन्डोमा, पहिले देखि खोलिएको वार्ता पृष्ठको ठाउँमा ", tab: "एउटा नयाँ ट्याबमा", blank: "एउटा नयाँ विन्डोमा" }
Twinkle.config.commonSets = {
csdCriteria: {
db: "Custom rationale ({{db}})",
"चाँमे": "विशिष्ट कारण ({{चाँमे}})",
"व1"g1: "व1G1", "व2"g2: "व2G2", "व3"g3: "व3G3", "व4"g4: "व4G4", "व5"g5: "व5G5", "व6"g6: "व6G6", g7: "व6लG7", g8: "व6लG8", g10: "व6फG10", g11: "व6फG11", g12: "व6सG12", g13: "व6सG13",
a1: "ल1A1", a2: "ल1A2", a3: "ल2A3", a5: "ल2A5", a7: "ल4A7", a9: "A9", a10: "A10", a11: "ल4A11",
"फ1"u1: "फ1U1", "फ2"u2: "फ2U2", "फ3"u3: "फ3U3", "फ4": "फ4", "फ5": "फ5", "फ6"u5: "फ6U5",
f1: "F1", f2: "F2", f3: "F3", f7: "F7", f8: "F8", f9: "F9", f10: "F10",
"सा1": "सा1",
c1: "C1",
"स1": "स1", "स2": "स2" // db-multiple is not listed here because it is treated differently within twinklespeedy
t2: "T2", t3: "T3",
r2: "R2", r3: "R3",
p1: "P1", p2: "P2"
csdCriteriaDisplayOrder: [
"व1g1", "व2g2", "व3g3", "व4g4", "व5g5", "व6g6", "g7", "g8", "g10", "g11", "g12", "g13",
"ल1a1", "ल2a2", "ल4a3", "व6लa5", "a7", "a9", "a10", "a11",
"फ1u1", "फ2u2", "फ3u3", "फ4", "फ5", "फ6", "व6फu5",
"f1", "f2", "f3", "f7", "f8", "f9", "f10",
"स1", "स2", "व6स"
"t2", "t3",
"r2", "r3",
"p1", "p2"
csdCriteriaNotification: {
db: "Custom rationale ({{db}})",
g1: "G1", g2: "G2", g3: "G3", g4: "G4", g6: 'G6 ("unnecessary disambig." and "copy-paste move" only)',
g10: "G10", g11: "G11", g12: "G12", g13: "G13",
a1: "A1", a2: "A2", a3: "A3", a5: "A5", a7: "A7", a9: "A9", a10: "A10", a11: "A11",
u3: "U3", u5: "U5",
f1: "F1", f2: "F2", f3: "F3", f7: "F7", f8: "F8", f9: "F9", f10: "F10",
c1: "C1",
t2: "T2", t3: "T3",
r2: "R2", r3: "R3",
p1: "P1", p2: "P2"
csdCriteriaNotificationDisplayOrder: [
"व1g1", "व2g2", "व3g3", "व4g4", "व5g6", "व6g10", "g11", "g12", "g13",
"ल1a1", "ल2a2", "ल4a3", "व6लa5", "a7", "a9", "a10", "a11",
"u3", "u5",
"फ1", "फ2", "फ3", "फ4", "फ5", "फ6", "व6फ",
"f1", "f2", "f3", "f7", "f9", "f10",
"स1", "स2", "व6स"
"t2", "t3",
"r2", "r3",
"p1", "p2"
csdAndDICriteria: {
db: "Custom rationale ({{db}})",
g1: "G1", g2: "G2", g3: "G3", g4: "G4", g5: "G5", g6: "G6", g7: "G7", g8: "G8", g10: "G10", g11: "G11", g12: "G12", g13: "G13",
a1: "A1", a2: "A2", a3: "A3", a5: "A5", a7: "A7", a9: "A9", a10: "A10", a11: "A11",
u1: "U1", u2: "U2", u3: "U3", u5: "U5",
f1: "F1", f2: "F2", f3: "F3", f4: "F4", f5: "F5", f6: "F6", f7: "F7", f8: "F8", f9: "F9", f10: "F10", f11: "F11",
c1: "C1",
t2: "T2", t3: "T3",
r2: "R2", r3: "R3",
p1: "P1", p2: "P2"
csdAndDICriteriaDisplayOrder: [
"g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g5", "g6", "g7", "g8", "g10", "g11", "g12", "g13",
"a1", "a2", "a3", "a5", "a7", "a9", "a10", "a11",
"u1", "u2", "u3", "u5",
"f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9", "f10", "f11",
"t2", "t3",
"r2", "r3",
"p1", "p2"
namespacesNoSpecial: {
"0": "लेखArticle",
"1": "वार्ताTalk (article)",
"2": "प्रयोगकर्ताUser",
"3": "User talk",
"3": "प्रयोगकर्ता वार्ता",
"4": "विकिपीडियाWikipedia",
"5": "Wikipedia talk",
"5": "विकिपीडिया वार्ता",
"6": "चित्रFile",
"7": "चित्रFile वार्ताtalk",
"8": "मीडियाविकिMediaWiki",
"9": "MediaWiki talk",
"9": "मीडियाविकि वार्ता",
"10": "ढाँचाTemplate",
"11": "ढाँचाTemplate वार्ताtalk",
"12": "सहायताHelp",
"13": "सहायताHelp वार्ताtalk",
"14": "श्रेणीCategory",
"15": "श्रेणीCategory वार्ताtalk",
"100": "प्रवेशद्वारPortal",
"101": "प्रवेशद्वारPortal वार्ताtalk",
"108": "Book",
"109": "Book talk",
"118": "Draft",
"119": "Draft talk",
"710": "TimedText",
"711": "TimedText talk",
"828": "Module",
"829": "Module Talktalk"
Line १०९ ⟶ १५६:
Twinkle.config.sections = [
title: "सामान्यGeneral",
preferences: [
// TwinkleConfig.summaryAd (string)
Line ११५ ⟶ १६२:
name: "summaryAd",
label: "\"Ad\" to be appended to Twinkle's edit summaries",
label: "ट्विङ्कललाई सम्पादन सारांशमा जोड्नका लागी \"ऐड\"",
helptip: "The summary ad should start with a space, and be kept short.",
helptip: "यो स्पेसबाट सुरु हुनु पर्नेछ, र सानो हुनु पर्नेछ ।",
type: "string"
Line १२४ ⟶ १७१:
name: "deletionSummaryAd",
label: "Summary ad to use for deletion summaries",
label: "पृष्ठ हटाउने समय सम्पादन सारांशमा जोड्नका लागी \"ऐड\"",
helptip: "Normally the same as the edit summary ad above.",
helptip: "यो प्रायजसो रुपमा सामान्य एडमा नै राखिन्छ ।",
adminOnly: true,
type: "string"
Line १३४ ⟶ १८१:
name: "protectionSummaryAd",
label: "Summary ad to use for page protections",
label: "पृष्ठ संग्रह गर्दा समय सम्पादन सारांशमा जोड्नका लागी \"ऐड\"",
helptip: "Normally the same as the edit summary ad above.",
helptip: " यो प्रायजसो रुपमा सामान्य एडमा नै राखिन्छ ।",
adminOnly: true,
type: "string"
Line १४६ ⟶ १९३:
name: "userTalkPageMode",
label: "When opening a user talk page, open it",
label: "वार्ता पृष्ठ खोल्दा समय त्यसलाई खोल्नुस",
type: "enum",
enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.talkPageMode
Line १५४ ⟶ २०१:
name: "dialogLargeFont",
label: "Use larger text in Twinkle dialogs",
label: "ट्विङ्कलको विन्डोमा ठुलो पाठको प्रयोग गर्नुहोला",
type: "boolean"
Line १६८ ⟶ २१५:
type: "enum",
enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist
title: "Block user",
adminOnly: true,
preferences: [
// TwinkleConfig.blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock (boolean)
// if true, blank the talk page when issuing an indef block notice (per [[WP:UW#Indefinitely blocked users]])
name: "blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock",
label: "Blank the talk page when indefinitely blocking users",
helptip: "See <a href=\"" + mw.util.getUrl("WP:UW#Indefinitely blocked users") + "\">WP:UW</a> for more information.",
type: "boolean"
title: "Image deletion (DI)",
preferences: [
// TwinkleConfig.notifyUserOnDeli (boolean)
// If the user should be notified after placing a file deletion tag
name: "notifyUserOnDeli",
label: "Check the \"notify initial uploader\" box by default",
type: "boolean"
// TwinkleConfig.deliWatchPage (string)
// The watchlist setting of the page tagged for deletion. Either "yes", "no", or "default". Default is "default" (Duh).
name: "deliWatchPage",
label: "Add image page to watchlist when tagging",
type: "enum",
enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist
// TwinkleConfig.deliWatchUser (string)
// The watchlist setting of the user talk page if a notification is placed. Either "yes", "no", or "default". Default is "default" (Duh).
name: "deliWatchUser",
label: "Add user talk page of initial uploader to watchlist when notifying",
type: "enum",
enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist
title: "Proposed deletion (PROD)",
preferences: [
// TwinkleConfig.watchProdPages (boolean)
// If, when applying prod template to page, to watch the page
name: "watchProdPages",
label: "Add article to watchlist when tagging",
type: "boolean"
// TwinkleConfig.prodReasonDefault (string)
// The prefilled PROD reason.
name: "prodReasonDefault",
label: "Prefilled PROD reason",
type: "string"
name: "logProdPages",
label: "Keep a log in userspace of all pages you tag for PROD",
helptip: "Since non-admins do not have access to their deleted contributions, the userspace log offers a good way to keep track of all pages you tag for PROD using Twinkle.",
type: "boolean"
name: "prodLogPageName",
label: "Keep the PROD userspace log at this user subpage",
helptip: "Enter a subpage name in this box. You will find your PROD log at User:<i>username</i>/<i>subpage name</i>. Only works if you turn on the PROD userspace log.",
type: "string"
Line २४० ⟶ ३६७:
title: "Shared IP tagging",
title: "साझा आइ॰पी॰ ठेगाना ट्यागीङ्ग",
inFriendlyConfig: true,
preferences: [
name: "markSharedIPAsMinor",
label: "Mark shared IP tagging as a minor edit",
label: "साझा आइ॰पी॰ ठेगाना ट्यागीङ्गलाई सानो परिवर्तन भनी चिन्हित गर्नुस्",
type: "boolean"
Line २५२ ⟶ ३७९:
title: "चांडैSpeedy मेटाउनेdeletion (चाँमेCSD)",
preferences: [
Line २६० ⟶ ३८७:
enumValues: { "buttonClick": 'When I click "Submit"', "radioClick": "As soon as I click an option" }
// TwinkleConfig.watchSpeedyPages (array)
// Whether to add speedy tagged pages to watchlist
name: "watchSpeedyPages",
label: "Add page to watchlist when tagging with these criteria",
label: "निम्न मापदण्डहरू द्वारा नामांकन गर्दा समय लेखलाई अवलोकनसूचीमा राख्नुस्",
type: "set",
setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteria,
setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaDisplayOrder
//TwinkleConfig.NotifySelfSpeedy (boolean)
name: "NotifySelfSpeedy",
label: "स्वयं बनाउनु भएका पृष्ठहरूलाई चांडै मेटाउनका लागी चिन्हित गर्दा समय सूचित गर्नुस्",
helptip: "यदि तपाई स्वयं बनाउनु भएका कुनै पृष्ठहरूलाई चांडै मेटाउनका लागी चिन्हित गर्दा, त्यस समय तपाईलाई एउटा जाभास्क्रिप्ट एलर्ट द्वारा सूचित गर्नेछ । साथै यदि तपाईले बनाउनु भएका कुनै पृष्ठमा स1 बाहेक कुनै मापदण्ड अन्तर्गत चिन्हित गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने पनि यसले तपाईलाई जानकारी दिएर तपाई सँग नामांकनको लागि पुष्टि लिनेछ ।",
type: "boolean"
Line २८२ ⟶ ४०२:
name: "markSpeedyPagesAsPatrolled",
label: "Mark page as patrolled when tagging (if possible)",
label: "नामांकन गर्दा समय लेखलाई जाँचिएको (patrolled) भनी चिन्हित गर्नुस् (यदि सम्भव छ)",
helptip: "पृष्ठ जाँचिएको भए पनि चिन्हित गरिनेछ यदि तिनीहरूमा विशेष:नयाँ_पृष्ठ द्वारा खोलिएको छ ।",
type: "boolean"
Line २९१ ⟶ ४१०:
name: "notifyUserOnSpeedyDeletionNomination",
label: "Notify page creator only when tagging with these criteria",
label: "निम्न मापदंडहरूले नामांकन गर्दा समय पृष्ठ निर्मातालाई सूचित गर्नुहोस्",
helptip: "Even if you choose to notify from the CSD screen, the notification will only take place for those criteria selected here.",
helptip: "यदि तपाई नामांकन विन्डोमा लाई सूचित गर्न छान्नु हुन्छ र यहाँ उपयुक्त चेकबक्स चेक गर्नुहुन्छ, पृष्ठ निर्मातालाई त्यस बेला सूचित गरिनेछ ।",
type: "set",
setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriacsdCriteriaNotification,
setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaNotificationDisplayOrder
Line ३०१ ⟶ ४२०:
// On what types of speedy deletion notifications shall the user be welcomed
// with a "firstarticle" notice if his talk page has not yet been created.
/* {
name: "welcomeUserOnSpeedyDeletionNotification",
label: "Welcome page creator alongside notification when tagging with these criteria",
helptip: "The welcome is issued only if the user is notified about the deletion, and only if their talk page does not already exist. The template used is {{firstarticle}}.",
type: "set",
setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriacsdCriteriaNotification,
setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaNotificationDisplayOrder
// TwinkleConfig.promptForSpeedyDeletionSummary (array of strings)
name: "promptForSpeedyDeletionSummary",
label: "Allow editing of deletion summary when deleting under these criteria",
adminOnly: true,
type: "set",
setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdAndDICriteria,
setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdAndDICriteriaDisplayOrder
// TwinkleConfig.openUserTalkPageOnSpeedyDelete (array of strings)
// What types of actions that should result user talk page to be opened when speedily deleting (admin only)
name: "openUserTalkPageOnSpeedyDelete",
label: "Open user talk page when deleting under these criteria",
label: "निम्न मापदण्डहरू अनुसार पृष्ठ हटाउँदा समय पृष्ठ निर्माताको वार्ता पृष्ठ खोल्नुस्",
adminOnly: true,
type: "set",
setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriacsdAndDICriteria,
setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaDisplayOrdercsdAndDICriteriaDisplayOrder
Line ३२५ ⟶ ४५४:
name: "deleteTalkPageOnDelete",
label: "Check the \"also delete talk page\" box by default",
label: "\"वार्ता पृष्ठ पनि हटाउनुस \" चेकबक्सलाई डिफल्ट रूपमा चेक गर्नुस्",
adminOnly: true,
type: "boolean"
Line ३४१ ⟶ ४७०:
name: "deleteSysopDefaultToTag",
label: "Default to speedy tagging instead of outright deletion",
label: "नामांकनलाई हटाउनु भन्दा त्यसलाई डिफल्ट राख्नुस ",
adminOnly: true,
type: "boolean"
Line ३५० ⟶ ४७९:
name: "speedyWindowWidth",
label: "Width of speedy deletion window (pixels)",
label: "विन्डोको चौडाई (पिक्सेलमा)",
type: "integer"
Line ३५८ ⟶ ४८७:
name: "speedyWindowHeight",
label: "Height of speedy deletion window (pixels)",
label: "विन्डोको ऊँचाई (पिक्सेलमा)",
helptip: "If you have a big monitor, you might like to increase this.",
helptip: "यदि तपाई ठुलो मोनिटर प्रयोग गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने तपाई यसलाई बढाउन सक्नुहुन्छ।",
type: "integer"
Line ३६५ ⟶ ४९४:
name: "logSpeedyNominations",
label: "Keep a log in userspace of all CSD nominations",
label: "सबै चाँडो मेटाउने नामांकनहरूलाई आफ्नो प्रयोगकर्ता नामस्थानमा पनि लग राख्नुस्",
helptip: "Since non-admins do not have access to their deleted contributions, the userspace log offers a good way to keep track of all pages you nominate for CSD using Twinkle. Files tagged using DI are also added to this log.",
helptip: "किनकि सामान्य प्रयोगकर्ता आफ्नो हटाइएको योगदान हेर्न सक्दैनन्, आफ्नो प्रयोगकर्ता नामस्थानमा नामांकनहरूको लग राख्न ट्विङ्कलद्वारा गरिएको नामांकनहरूको सूची पाउने सजिलो तरिका हो।",
type: "boolean"
name: "speedyLogPageName",
label: "Keep the CSD userspace log at this user subpage",
label: "प्रयोगकर्ता नामस्थानको लग यस पृष्ठमा राख्नुस्",
helptip: "Enter a subpage name in this box. You will find your CSD log at User:<i>username</i>/<i>subpage name</i>. Only works if you turn on the CSD userspace log.",
helptip: "यहाँ आफ्नो प्रयोगकर्ता उप-पृष्ठको नाम दिनुस । यसमा आफ्नो प्रयोगकर्ता नाम तथा नामस्थान न जोड्नुस । यो त्यस समय पनि कार्य गर्छ यदि तपाई ले प्रयोगकर्ता नामस्थान लग सक्षम गरेको होस्।",
type: "string"
name: "noLogOnSpeedyNomination",
label: "Do not create a userspace log entry when tagging with these criteria",
label: "प्रयोगकर्ता नामस्थान लगमा निम्न मापदंडहरू द्वारा गरिएको नामांकनहरू को प्रविष्टि न जोड्नुस",
type: "set",
setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriacsdAndDICriteria,
setDisplayOrder: Twinkle.config.commonSets.csdCriteriaDisplayOrdercsdAndDICriteriaDisplayOrder
Line ३८६ ⟶ ५१५:
title: "ट्यागTag",
inFriendlyConfig: true,
preferences: [
name: "watchTaggedPages",
label: "Add page to watchlist when tagging",
label: "पृष्ठहरूको रेखदेखको लागि ट्याग गर्दा समय त्यसलाई अवलोकनसूचीमा जोड्नुस्",
type: "boolean"
name: "watchMergeDiscussions",
label: "Add talk pages to watchlist when starting merge discussions",
label: "मर्ज चर्चाहरू सुरु गर्दा समय वार्ता पृष्ठ अवलोकनसूचीमा जोड्नुस्",
type: "boolean"
name: "markTaggedPagesAsMinor",
label: "Mark addition of tags as a minor edit",
label: "रेखदेख ट्यागिङ्गको सानो सम्पादन चिन्हित गर्नुस्",
type: "boolean"
name: "markTaggedPagesAsPatrolled",
label: "Check the \"mark page as patrolled\" box by default",
label: "\"पृष्ठलाई जाँचिएको भनी चिन्हित गर्नुस्\" जाँचिएको बक्स डिफल्ट रूपले चेक गर्नुस्",
type: "boolean"
name: "groupByDefault",
label: "Check the \"group into {{multiple issues}}\" box by default",
label: "\"यदि संभव छ भने {{अनेक समस्याहरू}} द्वारा वर्गीकृत गर्नुस्\" चेकबक्स डिफल्ट रूपले चेक गर्नुस्",
type: "boolean"
name: "tagArticleSortOrder",
label: "Default view order for article tags",
label: "लेख देखरेख ढाँचाहरको लागि डिफल्ट दृश्यता",
type: "enum",
enumValues: { "cat": "वर्गBy अनुसारcategories", "alpha": "वर्णमालाIn अनुसारalphabetical order" }
name: "customTagList",
label: "Custom article maintenance tags to display",
label: "लेख देखरेखलाई दर्शाउन निमित विशिष्ट ट्याग",
helptip: "These appear as additional options at the bottom of the list of tags. For example, you could add new maintenance tags which have not yet been added to Twinkle's defaults.",
helptip: "यो ट्याग सूचीको अन्तमा अतिरिक्त विकल्पहरू जस्तै देखिन्छ । तपाई यसमा देखरेख ढाँचा जोड्न सक्नुहुन्छ जुन ट्विङ्कलमा डिफल्ट रूपले उपलब्ध छैन ।",
type: "customList",
customListValueTitle: "ढाँचाकोTemplate नामname (बिनाno कोष्ठककोcurly brackets)",
customListLabelTitle: "ट्यागText विन्डोमाto देखाउनshow निमित्तin पाठTag dialog"
Line ४३२ ⟶ ५६१:
title: "सन्देशTalkback",
inFriendlyConfig: true,
preferences: [
name: "markTalkbackAsMinor",
label: "Mark talkbacks as minor edits",
label: "सन्देशहरूलाई सानो सम्पादनको रुपमा चिन्हित गर्नुस्।",
type: "boolean"
name: "insertTalkbackSignature",
label: "Insert signature within talkbacks",
label: "सन्देशहरूमा हस्ताक्षर जोड्नुहोस्",
helptip: "यदि यो सक्षम छ भने मात्रै {{सन्देश}} ढाँचा जोड्दा पनि त्यसको मुनी हस्ताक्षर जोडिनेछ ।",
type: "boolean"
name: "talkbackHeading",
label: "Section heading to use for talkbacks",
label: "सन्देशको लागि प्रयोग गरिने अनुभाग शीर्षक",
type: "string"
name: "adminNoticeHeading",
label: "Section heading to use for administrators' noticeboard notices",
helptip: "Only relevant for AN and ANI.",
type: "string"
name: "mailHeading",
label: "Section heading to use for \"you've got mail\" notices",
type: "string"
Line ४५५ ⟶ ५९४:
title: "लिङ्कहटाउनेUnlink",
preferences: [
// TwinkleConfig.unlinkNamespaces (array)
Line ४६१ ⟶ ६००:
name: "unlinkNamespaces",
label: "Remove links from pages in these namespaces",
label: "लिङ्कहरू निम्न नामस्थानहरू बाट हटाउनुस",
helptip: "Avoid selecting any talk namespaces, as Twinkle might end up unlinking on talk archives (a big no-no).",
helptip: "कुनै पनि चर्चा/वार्ता नामस्थानलाई छान्दा समय याद राख्नुस कि यसबाट पुरालेखहरू बाट पनि लिङ्कहरू हटनेछ (जुन नगर्नु पर्ने हो)।",
type: "set",
setValues: Twinkle.config.commonSets.namespacesNoSpecial
Line ४८६ ⟶ ६२५:
"6": "Single-issue notices",
"7": "Single-issue warnings",
"9": "Custom warnings",
"8": "Block (admin only)"
Line ४९७ ⟶ ६३५:
name: "showSharedIPNotice",
label: "Add extra notice on shared IP talk pages",
helptip: "Notice used is {{SharedIPAdviceShared IP advice}}",
type: "boolean"
Line ५०९ ⟶ ६४७:
// TwinkleConfig.blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock (boolean)
// if true, blank the talk page when issuing an indef block notice (per [[WP:UW#Indefinitely blocked users]])
name: "blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock",
label: "Blank the talk page when indefinitely blocking users",
helptip: "See <a href=\"" + mw.util.getUrl("WP:UW#Indefinitely blocked users") + "\">WP:UW</a> for more information.",
adminOnly: true,
type: "boolean"
name: "customWarningList",
Line ५२५ ⟶ ६५४:
customListValueTitle: "Template name (no curly brackets)",
customListLabelTitle: "Text to show in warning list (also used as edit summary)"
name: "markXfdPagesAsPatrolled",
label: "Mark page as patrolled when nominating for AFD (if possible)",
type: "boolean"
Line ५३० ⟶ ६६५:
title: "स्वागतWelcome user",
inFriendlyConfig: true,
preferences: [
name: "topWelcomes",
label: "Place welcomes above existing content on user talk pages",
label: "स्वागत ढाँचा प्रयोगकर्ता वार्ता पृष्ठको माथि जोड्नुस",
type: "boolean"
name: "watchWelcomes",
label: "Add user talk pages to watchlist when welcoming",
label: "स्वागत गर्दा समय प्रयोगकर्ता वार्ता पृष्ठ आफ्नो अवलोकनसूचीमा जोड्नुस्",
helptip: "Doing so adds to the personal element of welcoming a user - you will be able to see how they are coping as a newbie, and possibly help them.",
helptip: "यसबाट तपाई त्यस नयाँ प्रयोगकर्ताको ध्यान राख्न सक्नुहुन्छ, र आवश्यकता अनुसार तिनीहरुको मद्दत गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।",
type: "boolean"
name: "insertHeadings",
label: "स्वागत गर्नु पूर्व अनुभाग शीर्षक जोड्नुस",
type: "boolean"
name: "welcomeHeading",
label: "स्वागतको लागि प्रयुक्त अनुभाग शीर्षक",
helptip: "यसबाट त्यस समय अन्तर हुनेछ यदि अनुभाग शीर्षक सक्षम छ र ढाँचामा पहिले देखि नै अनुभाग शीर्षक छैन ।",
type: "string"
name: "insertUsername",
label: "Add your username to the template (where applicable)",
label: "ढाँचामा आफ्नो प्रयोगकर्तानाम जोड्नुस (जहाँ आवश्यक छ)",
helptip: "Some welcome templates have an opening sentence like \"Hi, I'm &lt;username&gt;. Welcome\" etc. If you turn off this option, these templates will not display your username in that way.",
helptip: "केहि स्वागत ढाँचाहरूमा स्वागत गर्ने प्रयोगकर्ताको नाम पनि जोडिन्छ । यदि तपाई यस विकल्पलाई असक्षम गर्नुभएको छ भने यस्ता ढाँचाहरूमा तपाईको प्रयोगकर्तानाम देखिने छैन ।",
type: "boolean"
name: "insertSignature",
label: "स्वागत पछी हस्ताक्षर जोड्नुहोस",
helptip: "Strongly recommended.",
type: "boolean"
name: "maskTemplateInSummary",
label: "सम्पादन सारांशमा ढाँचाको नाम नजोड्नुहोस",
helptip: "नयाँ प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई \"Welcomevandal\" जस्तो नाम हासयास्पद लाग्न सक्छ, यस कारण तिनीहरुको सम्पादन सारांशमा नजोड्नु नै ठिक हुन्छ ।",
type: "boolean"
name: "quickWelcomeMode",
label: "Clicking the \"welcome\" link on a diff page will",
label: "अवतरण अन्तर पृष्ठमा \"स्वागत\" मा क्लिक गर्दा",
helptip: "If you choose to welcome automatically, the template you specify below will be used.",
helptip: "यदि तपाई स्वचालित स्वागत गर्ने विकल्प छान्नुहुन्छ भने तपाई मुनी रहेको जुन ढाँचाको नाम राख्नुहुन्छ, स्वागतको लागि त्यसको प्रयोग गरिनेछ ।",
type: "enum",
enumValues: { auto: "स्वाचालितwelcome रूपमा स्वागत गर्नुस्automatically", norm: "तपाईलाईprompt you ढाँचाto छान्नकोselect लागिa भनोस्template" }
name: "quickWelcomeTemplate",
label: "Template to use when welcoming automatically",
label: "स्वचालित स्वागत गर्दा समय प्रयोग गर्न निमित्त ढाँचा",
helptip: "Enter the name of a welcome template, without the curly brackets. A link to the given article will be added.",
helptip: "एउटा स्वागत ढाँचाको नाम जोड्नुस, बिना कोष्ठकको । उपयुक्त पृष्ठको लिङ्क स्वत: जोडिनेछ ।",
type: "string"
name: "customWelcomeList",
label: "विशिष्टCustom स्वागतwelcome ढाँचाtemplates to display",
helptip: "You can add other welcome templates, or user subpages that are welcome templates (prefixed with \"User:\"). Don't forget that these templates are substituted onto user talk pages.",
helptip: "तपाई अन्य विशिष्ट स्वागत ढाँचा (अथवा प्रयोगकर्ता नामस्थानको पृष्ठ जुन ढाँचा हो) यहाँ जोड्न सक्नुहुन्छ । यो स्वागत विन्डोमा जोडेर देखाईनेछ र प्रयोगकर्ता वार्ता पृष्ठहरुमा substitute गरिनेछ । प्रयोगकर्ता नामस्थानको पृष्ठ जोड्दा समय पृष्ठको पूरा नाम (नामस्थान सहित) राख्नुस् । ढाँचाको लागि यस्तो गर्नु भने आवश्यक छैन ।",
type: "customList",
customListValueTitle: "ढाँचाकोTemplate नामname (बिनाno कोष्ठककोcurly brackets)",
customListLabelTitle: "स्वागतText विन्डोमाto देखाउनshow निमित्तin पाठWelcome dialog"
name: "customWelcomeSignature",
label: "Automatically sign custom welcome templates",
helptip: "If your custom welcome templates contain a built-in signature within the template, turn off this option.",
type: "boolean"
Line ५९८ ⟶ ७१६:
title: "XFD (deletion discussions)",
title: "मेटाउने चर्चा (मेच)",
preferences: [
// TwinkleConfig.xfdWatchPage (string)
Line ६०५ ⟶ ७२३:
name: "xfdWatchPage",
label: "Add the nominated page to watchlist",
label: "नामांकित पृष्ठलाई अवलोकनसूचीमा जोड्नुस् ",
type: "enum",
enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist
Line ६१६ ⟶ ७३४:
name: "xfdWatchDiscussion",
label: "Add the deletion discussion page to watchlist",
label: "चर्चा पृष्ठलाई अवलोकनसूचीमा जोड्नुस् ",
helptip: "This refers to the discussion subpage (for AfD and MfD) or the daily log page (for TfD, CfD, RfD and FfD)",
helptip: "यहाँ चर्चा पृष्ठको तात्पर्य विकिपीडिया:पृष्ठ हटाउनका लागि चर्चाको उपयुक्त चर्चा उप-पृष्ठ सँग छ ।",
type: "enum",
enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist
Line ६२६ ⟶ ७४४:
// add to watchlist), or "default" (use setting from preferences). Default is "no" (Hehe. Seriously though, who wants to watch it?
// Sorry in advance for any false positives.).
/* {
name: "xfdWatchList",
label: "Add the daily log/list page to the watchlist (where applicable)",
Line ६३३ ⟶ ७५१:
enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist
// TwinkleConfig.xfdWatchUser (string)
// The watchlist setting of the user if he receives a notification. Either "yes" (add to watchlist), "no" (don't
Line ६३९ ⟶ ७५७:
name: "xfdWatchUser",
label: "Add the user talk page to watchlist (when notifying)",
label: "पृष्ठ निर्माताको वार्ता पृष्ठलाई अवलोकनसूचीमा राख्नुस् ",
type: "enum",
enumValues: Twinkle.config.commonEnums.watchlist
Line ७११ ⟶ ८२९:
type: "integer"
// twinkledelimagestwinkledeprod.js: How many filespages should be processed at a time
name: "deliChunksproddeleteChunks",
type: "integer"
// twinkledelimages.js: How many files should be processed maximum
name: "deliMax",
type: "integer"
Line ७३१ ⟶ ८४४:
// type: ""
// },
Twinkle.config.init = function twinkleconfigInit() {
Line ७६८ ⟶ ८८२:
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// add TOC show/hide link
Line ७७८ ⟶ ८९३:
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Line ७८९ ⟶ ९०४:
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toctogglelink.textContent = "देखाउनुस्show";
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Line १,०३२ ⟶ १,१४७:
resetlink.style.margin = "0 0.6em";
Line १,०५० ⟶ १,१६५:
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button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("परिवर्तनSave सङ्ग्रह गर्नुहोस्changes"));
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Line १,०९३ ⟶ १,२०८:
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box.appendChild(document.createTextNode("This page contains your Twinkle preferences. You can change them using the "));
box.appendChild(document.createTextNode("यस पृष्ठमा तपाईको ट्विङ्कल वरीयताहरू छ । तपाई निम्न लिङ्कमा क्लिक गरेर आफ्नो ट्विङ्कल वरीयताहरू सजिलै परिवर्तन गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ: "));
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box.appendChild(document.createTextNode("तपाईYou निम्नcan लिङ्कमाcustomize क्लिकTwinkle गरेरto आफ्नोsuit ट्विङ्कलyour वरीयताहरूpreferences सजिलैby परिवर्तनusing गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ:the "));
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Line १,१०१ ⟶ १,२१६:
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box.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\nयदि तपाई चाहनुभयो भने यस पृष्ठलाई सिधै सम्पादित गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ, तर कृपया यस्तो त्यस समय गर्नुस् जब तपाईलाई जावास्क्रिप्ट तथा ट्विङ्कलको बारेमा उपयुक्त जानकारी होस्।"));
Line १,१०८ ⟶ १,२२३:
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Line १,३९५ ⟶ १,५१०:
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Line १,६१७ ⟶ १,७३२:
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"// twinkleoptions.js: व्यक्तिगतpersonal ट्विङ्कलTwinkle अभिरूचीpreferences फाइलfile\n" +
"//\n" +
"// NOTE: The easiest way to change your Twinkle preferences is by using the\n" +
"// Twinkle preferences panel, at [[" + Morebits.pageNameNorm + "]].\n" +
"//\n" +
"// This file is AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. Any changes you make (aside from\n" +
"// नोट: ट्विङ्कल अभिरूचीबाट हटाउने सबैभन्दा सजिलो तरिका \n//[[" +
"// changing the configuration parameters in a valid-JavaScript way) will be\n" +
Morebits.pageNameNorm + "|Twinkle preferences panel]] को प्रयोग गर्नु ।\n" +
"// overwritten the next time you click \"save\" in the Twinkle preferences\n" +
"// यो फाइल स्वचालित रूपले बनाइएको छ ।\n" +
"// panel. If modifying this file, make sure to use correct JavaScript.\n" +
"// मान्य जावास्क्रिप्टको अतिरिक्त\n" +
"// तपाई जुनै पनि परिवर्तन यहाँ गर्नुहुन्छ,\n" +
"// त्यो अर्को पटक ट्विङ्कल वरीयताहरू सङ्ग्रह गर्दा\n" +
"// स्वत: हटाइनेछ ।\n" +
"// यस फाइललाई सम्पादित गर्दा समय मान्य जावास्क्रिप्ट कै प्रयोग गर्नुहोला ।\n" +
"\n" +
"window.Twinkle.prefs = ";
Line १,६३६ ⟶ १,७५०:
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Line १,६४८ ⟶ १,७६२:
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